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 22 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Robert Hinshelwood"Advanced Search
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'Philadelphia from Belmont, (West Park)', 1874.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'City of Baltimore, (from Druid Hill Park)', 1874. Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'The Susquehanna (at Hunter's Gap)', 1874.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Lake George', 1874.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'City of St. Louis', 1874.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Quebec', 1874. Creators: Robert Hinshelwood, John Douglas Woodward.
'The Adirondack Woods', 1874.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'The Rocky Mountains', 1874. Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'City of Milwaukee', 1874.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Washington from Arlington Heights', 1874.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Cascade in Virginia', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Mount Desert, Coast of Maine', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'On the Coast of Florida', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Mount Hood, from the Columbia', 1872. Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Richmond from the James', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Delaware Water Gap', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'The Smoky Mountains, (North Carolina)', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Lake Superior, (Entrance to Baptism Bay)', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'Harper's Ferry by Moonlight', 1872. Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'City of Providence, from Prospect Hill', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'City of Cleveland, from Reservoir Walk', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.
'The City of Detroit, (From Canada Shore)', 1872.  Creator: Robert Hinshelwood.